
“Wow, how sad about the dolphin asking a fisherman twice in the gulf for help while oil was spilling out of his blowhole.” #TEDx OilSpill

June 28, 2010 - 2:49 pm

“Wow, how sad about the dolphin asking a fisherman twice in the gulf for help while oil was spilling out of his blowhole.” #TEDx OilSpill


- 12:50 pm

daisie rounded

happy summer y’all…  
there are small lakes in warm fog to be found…and swimmed
mountains scaled
museums absorbed and taken…

be taken…this summer.
taken into dreams
the fullness of your heart.

plant wisdom

June 27, 2010 - 9:44 pm

befreind the mysterybefriend the mystery…

limited edition recycled denim el bag for summer!

June 20, 2010 - 9:48 am

our recycled denim el bag is beautiful!!!  i love this denim! it is the most perfect euro navy dark. love!!! the selvedge at the opening is stunningly cool.
see more el bags—

selvedgeround yes the selvedge…wow! i love it. the edge that never unravels…so beautiful!

i have to have one!!
to order your recycled denim el bag— email:
95 dollars + shipping

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